The Moscow International Travel and Hospitality Show (MITT for short) is the biggest tourism and hospitality exhibition in Russia and presents a broad range of services and opportunities for travel and tourism in Russia and abroad. MITT is where travellers can choose the services they need and gather information on new trends in the tourism industry.

"Health tourism in Russia is having a renaissance, and our recreation centres are leading the charge. MITT is one of the first platforms where modern Russian health centres can show what they have to offer and the MITT business program gives us a chance to exchange opinions and data on industry trends. The best health centres of Russia (leaders of the prestigious national ranking, TOP-100 Russian Health Centres) are MITT regulars."

The Russia Health Tourism and Corporate Healthcare Association
partner of Health and medical tourism section of MITT.

Yelena Trubnikova

Yelena Trubnikova, Chairman of the Russia Health Tourism and Corporate Healthcare Association.

Health and medical tourism at MITT

The following health centres, resorts and spa hotels are MITT participants: PMD Hospitality (Azerbaijan), STL, Grand Krio, Medical Centre State Unitary Enterprise, Tatarstan Health Centres, BELPROFSOYUZKURORT, Altay-West, Shokhambari (Tajikistan), Blue Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan), etc.

18% of all unique MITT visitors (2,726 specialists) are interested in health and medical tourism, which has growing importance as a part of the leisure industry worldwide.

MITT exhibitors include:

✈resort health centres and clinics;
✈medical and recreational facilities;
✈spa resorts and hotels;
✈manufacturers of medical equipment for hotel spas.

Survey results speak for themselves: tour operators and agents (respectively 24% and 15% of total visitors at MITT 2023) are keen to work with exhibitors at the MITT Health and Medical Tourism section. First-time visitors were 55% of all those who came to MITT in 2023, and a third of all non-industry (general public) visitors said they are interested in what medical tourism has to offer.

Find new customers and opportunities to grow your business at MITT!