MITT is an excellent platform for caravanning firms to promote and advertise their business because it attracts their target audience – motorhomes manufacturers and owners, and rental centres.

Survey results show that 14,830 tourism industry specialists visited MITT 2023 and 15% (2,186) of them were interested in caravanning.

You can be a part of the Caravanning Section at MITT 2024 if you or your company:

  • Manufacture of motorhomes
  • Motorhome and caravan dealer
  • Renter of motorhomes and trailers
  • Manufacture and seller of accessories for motorhomes
  • Manufacture of equipment for camping construction

National Association of Automotor Tourism and Caravanning became a partner of the MITT Caravanning Section.

Don’t miss the opportunities that participation in MITT-2024 can offer:

  • Find new customers who are ready to buy
  • Talk face-to-face with top managers of other firms
  • Find new sales niches
  • Increase your market share
  • Expand your sales geography and find new partners
  • Increase awareness of your brand
  • Make your mark as a reliable partner in a fast changing business environment